
提交2025年秋季申请的优先截止日期是2月5日. 最后期限是6月1日. 我们将接受2025年申请周期的最后一次LSAT考试是2025年6月考试.

The 招生 committee admits applicants on a rolling basis; therefore, 我们鼓励所有申请人尽早提交申请.


所有申请必须通过法学院入学委员会(LSAC)完成。. 请注意,麦乔治大学不接受纸质版申请. 申请表应在提交时填写完整.


  1. 填妥的申请表格
  2. 个人陈述
  3. 重新开始
  4. 通过您的LSAC CAS帐户提交的两封推荐信. (最多可接受三封信)
  5. 学士学位
  6. CAS报告和推荐信, 所有本科成绩单, LSAT成绩和LSAC写作样本或GRE成绩(最近5年的成绩)
  7. 电子邮件地址(这是法学院的主要沟通方式)


陈述不得超过三页,双倍行距,12页. font. An applicant's personal statement is an opportunity to provide information that the applicant believes should be considered.

The personal statement prompt is: Tell us about a person or event that impacted/influenced your life. 请在你的书面陈述的顶部列出提示.

如果申请人希望解决他们的成绩、学历取消等问题. 他们可以通过在可选论文部分解决这些情况来做到这一点.


Provide a 重新开始 of full-time employment and other activities, starting with the most recent. 包括日期、雇主名称和所担任的职位. 列出自进入大学以来每周工作的时间和获得的学术荣誉. 列出课外活动、爱好和社区服务. 描述大学期间工作的性质和范围,包括志愿工作. 请包括夏季. Explain any periods of time after high school not accounted for by the preceding educational and employment history. 然而,所有的高中信息都应该被省略.


在支持应用程序, applicants must submit two letters of recommendation directly to LSAC; we will accept a maximum of three letters. Applicants are strongly encour年龄d to reach out to their college professors and administrators who have had the opportunity to assess their academic, 时间管理, 研究和分析能力,代表他们写作.

Applicants who have been out of school for a considerable amount of time can submit letters of recommendation from employers, 业务的同事, 和导师. 不鼓励来自家庭成员和亲密朋友的来信. 这些信应该写一些与你在法学院取得成功相关的技能.

请注意 that LSAC will not release an applicant's CAS report to McGeorge until they have received a minimum of two letters of recommendation. The application will remain incomplete and will not be reviewed until the applicant's file is complete.


Applicants must register with LSAC for the 法律 School 入学 Test (LSAT) or 研究生 Record Exam (GRE) and LSAC's Credential Assembly Services (CAS). 成绩单 of prior college and university coursework must be furnished directly to LSAC. LSAT scores must be from administrations within five years prior to the year of enrollment. An application file is not complete and will not be reviewed until an applicant's law school report, 包括LSAT成绩或GRE成绩, 已收到. 请注意, 如果你有有效的LSAT成绩, 入学不考虑GRE成绩. (Applicants whose undergraduate degrees are not from educational institutions within the United States, its territories or Canada must use LSAC's Credential Assembly Service for international document authentication and evaluation.) 

JD-Next can be considered with your application as a supplemental piece of information but will not be used in lieu of the LSAT or GRE requirement. 

Applications will not be considered for final action until all required information 已收到.

McGeorge School of 法律 maintains a long-standing policy of not discriminating in any of its activities based on race, 性别, 性取向, 国家或民族出身, 残疾, 婚姻状况, 年龄, 肤色或宗教信仰.


所有大学和研究生工作的成绩单必须直接提交给LSAC. LSAC will evaluate each transcript and forward a report to each law school the applicant designates.

如果申请人是另一所法学院的毕业生, 需要那所学校出具的信誉良好的信. 另外, 如果申请人在那所学校参加考试, 该法学院的成绩单也必须直接提交给LSAC.

请注意 if an official transcript with degree posted is not initially submitted in the CAS report, an applicant is required to submit a copy of an official transcript with degree posted directly to the McGeorge JD招生 Office before the first day of orientation to complete enrollment. 


You may choose to attach a response to one or more of the following questions in addition to the required 个人陈述 if you feel the information would be helpful to us when considering your application or submit an addendum to explain any discrepancies in your application.

  1. 解释你的申请中的任何差异.
  2. 完全澄清并提供更多关于任何性格和体能问题的信息.
  3. 告诉我们更多关于你对麦乔治法学院的兴趣.  是什么让我们学校适合你的学术兴趣呢, 课程提供和学习环境?
  4. 讨论你具体的个人经历, 鉴于你的背景(种族), 种族, 残疾, LGBTQIA +状态, economic disadvant年龄 or otherwise) demonstrate an important quality of your character and/or one more unique ability you can contribute to the law school.



An applicant who did not complete their bachelor's degree from an English-langu年龄 college or university, 并且英语不是主要语言的学生需要参加托福考试. This requirement also applies to recent immigrants who have completed their education outside of the United States where English was not the langu年龄 of instruction.

笔试成绩不低于600分, 机考250分, 网上考试需要100分. 请注意 that acceptable scores must come directly from 托福考试 and be submitted to LSAC. 有关托福的更多信息,请访问 http://www.ets.org/toefl.


McGeorge requires that foreign transcripts be submitted directly to LSAC Credential Service which is included in the CAS subscription fee. A foreign credential evaluation will be finalized by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and 入学s Officers (AACRO) and will be integrated into your CAS report.


Once an international applicant is admitted to the law school and has paid their first seat deposit, the Director of 研究生 and International 项目 will contact the student to obtain an I-20 application form, 财务证明, 经公证的出生证明复印件, 护照, 在合适的时候, 结婚证书. 一旦收到所有这些项目, the Director of 研究生 and International 项目 will process the student's SEVIS I-20. I-20表格是申请人获得美国签证的要求之一 学生签证.


申请人提交申请后, 他们可以通过在线申请状态在线检查状态. Login information for the Applicant Status Online is e邮件ed to applicants when the application is submitted to the law school. 招生委员会将按照完成的顺序审查文件. 我们的招生委员会致力于以全面的方式审查每个文件. 请等待4到12周的时间收到录取决定. 录取通知书将通过美国学校发送.S. 邮件. 其他录取决定将通过电子邮件发送. Changes to an applicant's e邮件 or 邮件ing address should be communicated to the Office of 入学 immediately.



麦克乔治法学院, 博彩平台网址大全, 根据1964年民权法案第六章和第七章的规定, 1972年教育修正案第九条(45 CFR 86), 以及1973年康复法案的第503和504条, 以及1990年的《博彩平台网址大全》, 在任何教育项目的管理中不存在歧视吗, 招生, 奖学金, 贷款, 或其他基于种族的活动或项目, 性别(身份及/或表现), 性取向或性偏好, 国家或民族出身, color, 残疾, 婚姻状况, 年龄, 或者宗教信仰.

Inquiries regarding compliance with these statutes and regulations may be directed to the Office of the Dean, 第五大道3200号.加州萨克拉门托95817,916.739.7151,或到美国.S. 教育部,民权办公室,在旧金山或华盛顿特区.C. Student records: Inquiries about the School's compliance with student access and privacy rights regarding educational records, 根据1974年的《家庭教育权和隐私法, may be directed to the Office of the Dean or to the Student and Family Educational Rights and Privacy office, U.S. 教育部,华盛顿特区.C.


电话: 916.739.7105
电子邮件: mcgeorge@twodaysofsun.com

工作时间:周一至周五上午8:00.m. 至下午5时.m. PT